Extracurricular Activities Divorce Agreement

In general, parents are more likely to object to the cost of an activity than to the activity itself. In this case, the offending parent only requires the parent to “contribute to reasonable school and extracurricular activity costs.” As children get older, extracurricular activities are more frequent. Dance, music classes, sports, group and other activities begin to fill your child`s calendar. These activities can come with a high day price. In addition to the activity fee, there may be a cost for things like equipment, outfits and instruments. Who pays for these extras when there is already a child care mission? All parents know that raising a child is expensive. These costs only increase when the parents are in two separate households. A family cannot separate as cheaply as it could when it was together. With less money going, some expenses, such as extracurricular activities can be difficult to do. The Websters Dictionary defines “extracurricular” as “not falling within the scope of an ordinary program” or “of or with respect to official or semi-official activities generally organized by students in connection with the school.” This is a broad definition, if you want to consider an activity as “extra-material” for the purposes of your case for domestic relations, you should refer to the dictionary definition. In reality, most parents will agree to make joint decisions for each of these factors.

This effectively means that each parent has a veto over whether the child will participate in a specific extracurricular activity. Judges generally object to the cost of strange or notoriously expensive activities such as hockey or horseback riding. To overcome these objections, you should request a evidenty hearing at which you will file photos of the child who is exhibiting the activity. A picture is worth more than a thousand words, and if the money is theoretically available, the court will order it. The child may participate in extracurricular activities in which he or she is currently participating.