Leave And Licence Agreement For Flat

9. The approved premises shall be made available to the licensee on a personal basis and the licensee or his manager who occupies him shall not have the right to transfer the benefit of this agreement to other persons or is not authorised to authorise other persons to occupy the premises or part thereof. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to be the granting of a lease or rental agreement, and the Licensee agrees and undertakes that the Licensee shall not engage in any such dispute at any time. 15. If, for any reason, the officer of the licensee who occupies the licensed premises referred to in this Agreement ceases to be the officer of the licensee, the licensee shall take steps to remove the licensee immediately from those premises. As security for the aforementioned insurance or commitment of the licensee as well as as a guarantee for the performance and compliance with the terms of this Agreement, the lessee has deposited an amount of Rs. with the licensor. Interest-free. If the Licensee breaches any provision or condition of this Agreement and the Licensor terminates the Agreement and the certificate granted to it, the deposit mentioned for the Licensor shall be cancelled. without prejudice to other rights conferred by the licensor under this Agreement or the law and without the licensee being exempted from its obligations under this Agreement. If so. However, this contract shall be terminated without delay by the licensee, his agents and his representatives, or by the passage of time, and the account in question shall be immediately reimbursed to the licensee in the event of termination.

Unlike a rental agreement, the leave and license agreement does not transfer the right to use the property to the tenant. It is a licence issued by the owner of the property, designated as the licensor, to the licensee in order to use the property for a certain period, under certain conditions, without creating a lease-tenant relationship. For the duration of the contract, the right of ownership remains in the hands of the owner. By definition, it is a document that gives someone the right to do or continue something inside a property. No transfer of ownership interests is created, it simply offers the right to enjoy a property in the short term, while the owner retains any interest. The licensor is the person granting the licence and a licensee is the person who pays for the licence and enjoys the rights. Licenses should not be confused with leases or leases, as they differ in their respective aspects. 1. The Licensor shall grant the Licensee the leave and license to use such accommodation (hereinafter referred to as approved premises) for a period of three years from the date of this Agreement for the stay of an officer of the Licensee with the members of his family and for no other purpose. .